

Chicken Noodle Soup

Episode 44




This recipe is really whatever you want to put in it. I have listed below what I put in mine and I will say it was delicious! All amounts are arbitrary and can be added to or subtracted from as you wish.


1 Gallon Chicken Stock (Left over from the Matzoh Ball Soup)

4 Cups Cubed Chicken (Left overs again)

1 Package of the pasta of your choice

2 Onions cut into 1 inch pieces

5 Carrots cut into 1 inch pieces

5 Ribs of Celery cut into 1 inch pieces

3 Cloves crush Garlic

1 – 2 Tsp Dried Basil

1 – 2 Tsp Dried Thyme

1 – 2 Tsp Dried Dill

Salt and Pepper to taste

1/3 Cup Fresh Parsley



In a large pot, heat leftover chicken stock to boil. Add onions, carrots, celery and garlic. Return to boil, then reduce heat to simmer. Cook for 20 minutes.

Add chicken dried herbs and salt and pepper. Return to boil and then add pasta. Return to boil and cook for 10 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning. Add parsley and simmer for 5 minutes.

Serves 8 -10 people.